WordPress Theme Detector

Identify the WordPress theme and plugins used by any website with our WordPress Theme Detector tool. Quickly uncover the design and functionality behind your favorite sites.

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Welcome to our WordPress Theme Detector tool, your go-to solution for discovering the themes and plugins used by any WordPress-powered website. Whether you're a developer, designer, or just curious about the technology behind a website, our tool provides detailed insights into the design and functionality elements that power your favorite WordPress sites.

Why Use a WordPress Theme Detector?

Understanding the theme and plugins used by a WordPress website can be valuable for various reasons, such as finding inspiration for your own site, identifying tools and features used by competitors, or simply satisfying your curiosity about a site’s design and functionality. Our tool offers a straightforward way to uncover this information, helping you gain insights into how websites are built and maintained.

Features of Our WordPress Theme Detector Tool

  • Theme Identification: Detect the exact WordPress theme used by a website.
  • Plugin Detection: Discover the plugins installed and used on the site.
  • Detailed Information: Get comprehensive details about the theme and plugins, including version numbers and sources.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simple and intuitive design for easy detection.
  • Free and Unlimited: No cost involved, with unlimited access to the WordPress Theme Detector tool.

How to Use the WordPress Theme Detector Tool

  1. Enter Website URL: Paste the URL of the WordPress website you want to analyze into the input field.
  2. Detect Theme and Plugins: Click the "Detect Theme" button to start the analysis.
  3. Review Results: Examine the results to see the detected theme and plugins used by the website.
  4. Explore Details: Access additional information about the theme and plugins, such as version and source.
  5. Repeat or Check More: Analyze other websites as needed.

Applications of the WordPress Theme Detector Tool

  • Website Analysis: Understand the design and functionality behind any WordPress site.
  • Competitor Research: Identify themes and plugins used by competitors for strategic insights.
  • Design Inspiration: Discover themes and plugins that can inspire your own WordPress site design.
  • Troubleshooting: Identify themes and plugins for troubleshooting and support purposes.

Why Choose Our WordPress Theme Detector Tool?

  • Accuracy: Provides precise information about themes and plugins used by a website.
  • Ease of Use: Designed for straightforward and efficient theme and plugin detection.
  • Comprehensive Results: Offers detailed insights into both themes and plugins.
  • Free Access: Available at no cost with unlimited usage.


Our WordPress Theme Detector tool is an essential resource for anyone interested in the design and functionality of WordPress websites. With its easy-to-use interface and accurate detection capabilities, you can quickly uncover the themes and plugins that power your favorite sites. Try our WordPress Theme Detector tool today and gain valuable insights into WordPress-powered websites.